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Miltyplayer question - "Special Movies"
20.05.09 at 12:03 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 2
Joined: 12.04.09

Miltyplayer question - "Special Movies"


I'm playing multy-player games and I don't know how to get "special" movies (you know, the good ones, live broadcasts, good series...) Smiley

I've seen an auction, and I was able to bid, but I wasn't interested in the item.  Smiley

My questiones are 2:
-How do I get to that auction? (I've played several days and seen it only once, so i think I'm missing something)
-How do I choose what is offered in the auction?

Thank you very much
22.05.09 at 10:46 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1284
Joined: 06.02.06

I think there's still a bug which I fixed in my development version.
Usually, you click on the movie you are interested in, then it is marked with your name. When the turn is finished, the auction takes place.
31.05.09 at 12:50 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 2
Joined: 12.04.09

I would like to propose a modification...

Why not delaying the auction a day? Players choose Special Films any day (i.e. 10th day of gaming). The next day (the 11th) the films chosen by players are communicated to every player, so everyone can offer money for every film, with a minimum (the price of the film in the movies agency). This offer is not public, no player knows how much have offered his rivals. The third day (the 12th), each film is sold to the player who offered more money for it, if this player has enough money to pay for it, of course, otherwise it would be sold to the second, etc.

This kind of auction, while less exciting, is fair, as every player has the opportunity to get any film, not related to the time they connect to play.
05.06.09 at 10:10 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1284
Joined: 06.02.06

Yes, that's a good possibility. I will think about it.
04.03.11 at 01:26 AM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 1
Joined: 04.03.11

Is the bug fixed already??
29.03.11 at 09:36 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1284
Joined: 06.02.06

No, sorry, but with the next version coming soon.

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