Mad TV versions
16.05.08 at 11:23 PM |

Posts: 1286 Joined: 06.02.06
Mad TV versions
In this article I present the changes in new (or upcoming) versions:
v1.6.1 (06-2024) - Security: Improve password encryption
- Bugfixes
- Optimize forum templates
- Improved error reporting: When a technical problem occurs in your game, I get an email and you get a message.
v1.6.0 (04-2024) - Upgrade from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.2. That should result in a performance increase from 100 to 500%.
- Upgrade from MySQL 5 to 8. That should also result in a performance boost.
- Optimize database queries.
- Optimize CSS. Some browsers aren't supported now any more (e.g. IE 11).
- Several bugfixes.
v1.5.0 (01-2023) - New turns in multiplayer games are started in rotation, not always by the creator of the multiplayer game as before.
- Adding 3 minutes round time for multiplayer games.
- Smaller optimizations
v1.4.2 (06-2022) - Changes for highscore boards (mainly to restrict them to highscores achieved in current version)
- Improve adblocker detection for advertising room (to give user a hint when this room doesn't work due to an adblocker)
- Fixed two bugs in chat
- Some more small bugfixes and changes
- Maximum number of game days increased to 70
v1.4.1 (05-2018) - Enhancements of multiplayer games
- New language: turkish
- Music player with HTML5, no Flash player any more
- Improve data privacy: Add cookie hint, use Facebook plugin only on startpage, use SSL certificate for secure communication
- Some bugfixes and improvements
v1.4 - New TV stations and maps: Great Britain, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Benelux, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Austria and Switzerland. Amount of watchers of the TV stations in the other countries changed.
- Every user gets 10 in-game-days every day instead of 5
- Clicking Facebook Like grants 100 in-game-days
- Buying of in-game-days possible with PayPal
- New languages: norwegian and portuguese
- Performance improvements
- Many small changes (e.g. for highscore list or user settings) and bugfixes
- Reset of highscores
v1.3 - Fixing of several bugs
- Rewrite of whole code, mainly because of using advanced caching methods now
- Now there are 10 demo accounts available for new users which like to test the game before registering.
- New language: polish. Thanks to Ćukasz
- Financial balance screen now is available on every page (click on budget)
- Fixed problems with adblocker browser plugins in advertising agency (I hope so)
- New flag "Classic movie" for userinput movies. Classic movies aren't downgraded as much as other movies because of their age.
- Show numbers of allowed letters while typing in new movies, screenplays or ads
- Multiplayer: You have to wait for 20 seconds after taking a movie or an ad. Other players should also be able to take movies and ads.
- Multiplayer: Complete different handling of auctions
- New contents for page (mainly in german language)
- Statistics are deactivated for earlier versions, see discussion here
v1.2.1 - Highscore for multiplayer games
- You can edit already reviewed records, but only some fields like "title" and "description", s you can add new translations.
- You can sort your self-created records (click on the table heading)
- In multiplayer games, the remaining time until next round is shown in browser title
- New translations available: romanian (translated by user "andy_blah") and hungarian (translated by user "Justis")
- Many new animations (thanky to user "mdy")
v1.2 - Hot: You can add your own movies, screenplays and advertising contracts
- Hot: You can integrate movies, screenplays and adverts other users created into your own game
- In television program you can hold down the key "Ctrl" to add several movies or ads at once
- Series now loose actuality (like movies do). Movies aren't to full actuality when you sell them.
- Registration with double-opt-in (user has to confirm his email address)
- Users can now invite other users and he gets extra ingame-days for new registered user. You find this invitation link in your user details. Please use this feature!

- You can finish your day by clicking at the clock in the console (near the current ingame-day, below the "love-bar".
- Auctions in multiplayer has changed: You can give your bid now during the current turn, the final auction then takes place when all players have finished their turn.
- Many bugs fixed
- Many more...
v1.14 - new layout
- Mad TV account can be deleted
- help for beginners
- highscore isn't deleted when you restart your game
- background info for Mad TV
- french and chinese translation is online
- background music from amiga version of Mad TV, improved sound quality for pc music
- inactive users are marked
v1.13 - Game settings: You can define which boxes and which shortcuts are displayed
- Multiplayer: Sound is played when turn is finished
- More statistics
- Many bugs fixed
- And more... I forgot the other points
