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Native english speaker
21.12.06 at 12:41 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Native english speaker

I'm looking for someone who speaks english very well.

There are some english texts on MadTV online which should be controlled, e.g. the help texts, the news on the start page or the text in the game.

Please help me not to blame me Smilie

EDIT: Thanks for help, I now have enough native speakers I can fall back to.
15.03.07 at 04:27 AM Quote Edit Report
Bronze Member



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I could do that allright...

Bin zwar kein echter "native speaker", aber nach mehereren Jahren Aufenthalt in England und USA kann ich mich schon ganz gut verstaendlich machen.

Sag mal genau, um welche Texte es Dir vor allem geht und was ich mit den ueberarbeiteten Fassungen machen soll...

15.03.07 at 08:41 AM Quote Edit Report



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Ich dachte hier an Texte aus dem Spiel (alle, die nicht im Original Spiel vorkamen, z.B. die Hilfe-Texte oder Begriffe aus der Highscore-/Datenbank-/Statistiken-Tabelle) und wichtige Texte aus dem Forum (z.B. "Calculation of watchers").

Wenn dir Fehler auffallen, einfach hier ins Forum den überarbeiteten Text schreiben. Danke!
30.09.07 at 02:51 PM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


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I am not a native English speaker, but I've been using English on an everyday basis for some years now and I am being told I got quite proficient... Do let me know if there is any way I could be of assistance....

Meanwhile, some minor language/spelling issues I've spotted:
 - "Coalition of American tabacco producers" - should be "tobacco". I'd also consider "manufacturers" rather than "producers" (see e.g. Tobacco Manufacturers' Association) and putting every word in upper case ("Coalition of American Tobacco Manufacturers") in a more Anglo-Saxon manner
 - "Weapon's dealer" - should be "Weapons" (no apostrophy)
 - Nicotin -> nicotine (the upper case thing applies here as well, I believe)
 - I would also certainly put all the initial letters in the names of both Duban Republics in upper case -> "Free Republic of Duban" and "People's Republic of Duban"
 - rampant Smilie use of the incorrect form "broadcasted" (should be "broadcast") in various places, e.g. the "Help" text.

In the Studio, when you click on "Start production" without having completed your shopping, the producer says:

"Everything needed for the production has not yet been purchased"

I would say:

"Everything needed for the production hasn't been purchased yet"
01.10.07 at 09:00 AM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


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Joined: 29.09.07

More "Engrish":

When asked for "Production info", the producer goes:

"The production is real neat.
The average actors is quite good!"

Hmmmm? Did he mean...

"This is going to be a really fine production - the actors are quite good!"
23.10.07 at 08:37 AM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


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Joined: 23.10.07

Bin auch kein Muttersprachler (weder deutscher, noch englischer Smilie ), aber ich kann da gerne weiterhelfen. Ich hab selber einen Aufenthalt in den USA gemacht - wobei ich immer fand, dass die amerakinsche Sprache alles anderes als Englisch ist... Und manchmal sogar schlimmer als Engrish! You gotta love them Amies. Und was "die englische Sprache" betrifft, da hab ich ein Proficiency-Zertifikat, also if need be - bitte schön, bin gerne für Dich da!
23.10.07 at 02:14 PM Quote Edit Report



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Klar, immer her mit den Änderungsvorschlägen. Alternativ kann ich aber auch die Sprach-Datei mit dem englischen Text hier veröffentlichen. Gesagt, getan (siehe oben, erster Post)
11.12.07 at 09:33 PM Quote Edit Report



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Ich habe jetzt ein die meisten eurer Vorschläge übernommen - das Original-Spiel hatte wohl etliche falsche englische Übersetzungen Benutze Drag&Drop

Bisher sind die Änderungen in meiner Entwicklungsversion, sind aber mit dem nächsten Update online.

Weitere Korrekturen nehme ich gerne an. Wenn die Multiplayer-Version oben ist, wird es wohl ziemlich wild, ich glaube, mein Englisch ist nicht das beste Smilie
19.08.08 at 06:25 AM Quote Edit Report
Copper Member


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Joined: 30.09.06

If you are still interested I`m willing to help, I use english at daily basis, and I can only say that I`m good at it, but not very great. If you are interested please PM me.

Visit us at <a target="_self" href="http://http//sunshineteam.org">Sunshine Team ORG.</a> !<br /><span cla="" />
24.01.09 at 11:06 PM Quote Edit Report


Posts: 2
Joined: 24.01.09

I am native english speaker, but my german is basic Smilie


I like what you've done with this classic Smilie I think it might work better as a flash app instead of a web-based game though? I support it would be more work.

26.01.09 at 12:18 PM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Hi DragonWolf,

so you will have a look at the english texts? Can I send you the english translation file?

Flash has advantages but also disadvantages - the biggest one is, I can't flash Smilie
06.02.09 at 02:14 AM Quote Edit Report


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Joined: 30.12.08

Native English Speaker

I am a native English speaker, as I live in North Carolina.  I am not too great at speaking  German,however I am studying it now.  I would be more than happy to look at anything you may need help with.   Smiley     I love this game and I think for the most part you have done a great job. 
19.09.09 at 05:32 AM Quote Edit Report


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Joined: 16.09.09

I'm a native English-speaker, and I've made some corrections to the string file from in the first post.

In addition to fixing errors and finding better words, I've made two major changes:
- I've removed every use of the word "sundry". It's a valid word and it appears in the original game, but I've honestly never seen it used outside of MadTV.
- I've changed Betty and the boss' dialogue to make it less stilted and more natural.

Attachment: strings.txt
This file has been downloaded 26529 times.
19.09.09 at 11:11 AM Quote Edit Report



Posts: 1286
Joined: 06.02.06

Thanks for your help, I will have a look at it.

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